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LEGISLATIVE ALERT: OAPA Gives Interested Party Testimony on SB 196


UPDATED May 9, 2024:

Senate Hearing

Watch President Freado's testimony at the May 8, 2024, Senate Health Committee hearing. 



The Ohio Association of Physician Assistants tirelessly advocates for Ohio PAs, including raising our hand for PAs to be included in legislation that improves the ability for PAs to provide quality, cost-effective, and accessible healthcare.

Senate Bill 196 (SB196) is moving through the Ohio Senate Health Committee and is an example of legislation that OAPA believes should be promptly amended to include PAs.

From OAPA President Matthew Freado's testimony, which will be presented live to the committee on May 8:

"This law is a prime example of a straightforward approach to significantly enhancing efficiency in patient care and hospital administration. PAs possess the training and experience to provide comprehensive healthcare to patients. Therefore, this bill should be amended to allow PAs to sign patient care forms, similar to our APRN colleagues."

OAPA is also continuing to support SB81, a bill that includes PAs among other advance practice providers to permit their signature on documents related to hospital patient admission, treatment, and discharge. As decisions are being made regarding the authority of healthcare providers to efficiently and effectively care for patients, we are pushing to empower PAs at every turn.

Would you like to watch OAPA in action as we pursue legislative victories for YOU and all of Ohio's PAs?

Tune in LIVE to the Ohio Channel at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 8, to watch OAPA President Freado's interested party testimony in front of the Senate Health Committee.


To further help us advance PA practice through government advocacy, please support the OAPA Legislative Fund!

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